Jess Buttery Buffalo City Council Chambers


Welcome to Buffalo!


Saturday, September 30, 2023
8:30 AM


Buffalo boasts an incredible museum of architecture, and Kitty Mahoney, with her vast knowledge and affection for the city's architectural gems, will be presenting the must-see jewels that define its unique character.

As the founder and leader of Revival Glassworks LLC, Kitty Mahoney combines modern vision with time-honored techniques to preserve the historical, cultural, and aesthetic value of stained glass, deeply influenced by Buffalo's rich heritage. A trained Heritage Professional from the esteemed Willowbank School of Restoration Arts, Kitty has played a pivotal role in shaping the city's architectural narrative through her passion for preservation and expertise in heritage conservation as an integral member of the local conference planning committee.

MGAI Exhibition Opening

Friendships & Networking

Laurie Wells, Old World Stone - credit_Mark F Heffron

Education & Inspiration

Mary Clerkin Higgins on Restoration Panel, San Antonio 2019 - Photo Credit: Kyle J. Mickelson

Industry News & Information

Travel & Discovery