Theodore Ellison Designs


Crash Course in How to Navigate a Larger Commission with Ted Ellison and Chevonne Ariss


Saturday, September 30, 2023
9:15 AM
Hyatt: Regency Ballroom A


Host of stained glass podcast “Cracked with Chevonne Ariss” and Oakland stained glass studio owner Ted Ellison have teamed up once again to discuss navigating a larger commission  and advice on how to get ahead of challenges you might face.This joint presentation is considered a companion to the information they've shared on Cracked, since there’s lots more to learn about the transition from small projects to larger. And this time they will have a real life Q&A!  

  • Some things they'll be touching on are: 
  • how to decide if it’s the right project for you
  • things to take into consideration when discussing deadlines
  • how to manage difficult client relationships and when to set boundaries 
  • how to negotiate pricing for something you’ve never done before
  • tips on etiquette when asking a more experienced artist or studio for advice 
  • how to handle shipping what happens if things get broken-how to install work or work with the on-site professional to get it done right
  • And lastly, how important it is to photograph your work